Longform Features & investigations


A Psychedelic therapist allegedly took millions from a holocaust survivor, highlighting worries about elder abuse

Illustration: Mike Reddy for STAT

This investigation exposes a psychedelic therapist and MAPS board member who allegedly took millions from an elderly holocaust survivor she was claiming to help. Psychedelics are being researched as a tool for elder case. “It’s a whole new frightening possibility of elder abuse,” said one geriatric psychiatrist.


Psychedelic therapy has a sexual abuse problem 

I exposed a therapist who sexually abused a PTSD patient during a clinical trial on MDMA. The therapist was unlicensed at the time. Despite this incident and the history of sexual abuse in psychedelic therapy, the organization behind the trial is pushing the FDA to let psychedelic therapists practice without a license.

‘variant hunters’ in pfizer’s labs race to stay ahead of the pandemic’s next twist

Photo: Desiree Rios for STAT

I was granted a rare look inside Pfizer’s labs as they scrambled to track and respond to the coronavirus pandemic. I met with “variant hunters,” a “graphing unicorn,” and the “virus farmer,” a high-level scientist who disagreed with his company’s decision that boosters should be distributed, while millions were still waiting for their first dose worldwide.

‘It’s not medical’: oregon wrestles with how to offer psychedelics outside the health care system

Photo: Ayşe Gürsöz for STAT

“We’re saying both things. This is not medical… But this is psilocybin-assisted therapy.” I explored how Oregon is figuring out how to create safe therapeutic psychedelics outside the medical system.



Photo: Bethany Mollenkof for STAT

The winds blew southwest the day of Pahokee’s Covid-19 vaccination drive, which meant the sugarcane fields were ablaze. Growers are banned from burning excess leaves when there’s an eastward breeze, which risks blowing the fumes towards the billionaire’s club of Mar-a-Lago. Pahokee is in the same county but its residents live in a different world. This feature highlights the massive inequity in Palm Beach county, played out through the struggle to access vaccines.


inside the Global race to Defeat Covid-19

I spoke with major research institutions in Germany, Nigeria, Israel and the UK, to uncover how scientists redeployed their efforts to focus on coronavirus. Some researchers were trying to fight several local pandemics simultaneously, while others created a major Covid-19 vaccine. Around the world and in very different circumstances, all figured out how to use their tools to address Covid.


A millionaire couple is threatening to create a magic mushroom monopoly

This investigation exposed a company attempting to control the market for medicinal magic mushrooms. It revealed illegal misuse of a non-profit structure, efforts to censor scientific research & control the legal supply of magic mushrooms, and potentially unsafe training for psychedelic therapists.


When a hospital closed mid-pandemic, A rural black community lost a lifeline

Photo: Bethany Mollenkof for STAT

Latasha Taylor’s mom was the third member of her family to die from Covid. “If you had to, you would do what I did,” she said. “Bury your whole family.” A record 19 hospitals closed in 2020, and predominantly affected rural Black populations. This feature explores how a community in Georgia struggled to survive after the local hospital closed, with 1 in every 200 people dying from Covid.

Illustration: Mike Reddy for STAT


Illustration: Mike Reddy for STAT

This investigation shows how a drug for a rare and deadly form of children’s cancer was kept at one hospital, Memorial Sloan Kettering, for close to a decade. The hospital refused to do advanced studies, which would require sharing the drug with other sites, but still promoted it to patients as superior to the standard treatment used elsewhere.

30 years after prozac arrived, we still buy the myth that chemical imbalances cause depression

I trace the history of pharmaceutical advertising around SSRI drugs such as prozac, and show how the now-disproven theory that chemical imbalances cause depression became a sales tactic.


A Big Data firm sells cambridge analytica’s methods to global politicians

I uncovered a Cambridge Analytica clone, which uses the exact same methods of psychological profiling and targeting, and copied several sentences from a Cambridge Analytica presentation in its own pitch deck. This company works with international politicians, including the US Democrats.


A Moral Philosopher questions his own ethics

I profiled a vegetarian philosopher grappling with the question of whether it’s truly wrong to eat meat. His process reveals how ethicists make moral decisions, and how seemingly abstruse academic ideas shape societal norms.


Propaganda spread by data “bombs” pushed Brazil’s far-right president to power

This feature reveals how data abuse and personal identity theft spurred the waves of pro- Bolsonaro whatsapp propaganda. Through interviews with supreme court judges, politicians, and government whistleblowers, I showed how data abuse is now a feature of Bolsonaro government.


The world is relying on a flawed psychological test to fight racism

This feature exposes the scientific flaws behind the implicit bias test, and asks if unconscious bias has become an excuse for conscious racism.


Philosophy is the new battleground in South Africa’s fight against colonialism

South African universities teach a white, western cannon that often sidelines African philosophy. Students are pushing back, but face opposition from prominent professors.

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Polyamory is a quietly revolutionary political movement

In earlier decades, polyamory was a radical rejection of conventional capitalist values. Today it is commonplace, and plenty of polyamorists embrace traditional jobs and bourgeois consumption. This feature examines the significance of mainstream polyamory.


scientists created mind-changing experiments to Solve the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Scientists in Israel and Palestine are using psychology experiments to change people’s minds and, ultimately, try to create peace. This unique laboratory, which applies experiments to real-world settings, shows how psychology is an intractable feature of conflict and resolution.


AI can spot pain from a disease some doctors still think is fake

Pain is inherently personal and subjective, which makes it an incredibly difficult symptom to treat. Machine learning is now able to “see” pain in brain scans, and can even identify pain caused by fibromyalgia, a poorly-understood and frequently dismissed condition.


Machines know when someone’s about to attempt suicide. How should we use that information?

Researchers in Tennessee have developed a machine-learning algorithm that can accurately predict risk of suicide, and are planning to deploy it in hospitals. This feature asks if doctors are ready to take their instructions from machines.


Parents who refuse to call their newborns “girls” or “boys” are leading the gender revolution

Gender-neutral parenting allows children to choose their own gender as they get older, with parents using gender-neutral pronouns to introduce “theybies” to the world. This feature examines how gender-neutrality affects children, while highlighting the lack of psychological research behind the concept.


How Big data got so powerful

Data abuse is both hugely important and often impenetrable. This piece shows exactly who’s collecting this information, how they’re using this data, and why we should care.